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Planning Studies Parish Development Consultants – A team effort

Conducting a Planning Study is a key component of success for many development efforts. The results from a Planning Study can be one of the essential tools for determining the feasibility of a campaign and implementing a plan of action. Helping you further identify your Leaders, Major supporters, refine your needs statement, set a realistic goal and create a greater awareness that a development effort is forthcoming are key components achieved from a PDC managed Planning Study.

Laying the Foundation for Success

A PDC managed Planning Study includes:

  • Recommendations for selecting key participants
  • Preparation of a Case Statement of Support & Questionnaire
  • Preparing all letters of communication and follow-up
  • In-Depth Personal Interviews with potential supporters
  • Group meetings with Active members/parishioners
  • Web-site options to encourage participation
  • General Mailing to all remaining participants

The results of a PDC managed Planning Study includes:

  • A detailed report including key statistics and commentary
  • A summary of the report for distribution and publicity
  • An estimate of fundraising potential and specific goal amount
  • Recommendations for refinement of the statement of need
  • A plan of action and timetable of activity
  • Experienced Advise and Fundraising Counsel to ensure success

“As we looked forward to celebrating the centennial of our church, we realized that our building was in need of extensive repairs and maintenance. The only way we could foresee being able to accomplish our goals was to run a capital campaign. After interviewing several companies, our Anniversary Committee decided Trinity was our number one choice. We appreciated the direct and straightforward presentation by Andy White, and we agreed to conduct a Feasibility Study. With the results of the study showing that we would be able to raise the $400,000 goal, the Anniversary Committee agreed unanimously to hire Trinity Consultants to run our campaign.

Our Bilingual Capital Campaign was a success under the direction of Jacqueline Gonzales, who was experienced and professional. Along with assistance from Andy White, they were able to raise $30,000 in pledge over our original goal. We are very pleased with the extra attention to our bilingual brochure, as well as our trilingual prayer card."

Rev. William F. Krlis, Pastor
St. Leo Church, Corona, NY

"Partnering with Catholic Communities to Achieve Success through Fundraising"